Le thé vert est bon pour la santé des dents

Green tea is a shocking and rather unexpected ally of oral health . Recent studies have shown that this herb brings many benefits to the mouth, teeth and gums. Explanations.

Green tea for healthy gums and to fight cancer

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, green tea would control periodontal diseases . In practice, drinking green tea regularly helps keep gums healthier .

Certain components of green tea, such as antioxidants, offer protection against cell damage and the development of cancerous tumors. According to a study carried out in Texas, taking green tea extracts by patients with precancerous lesions of the mouth helps to slow the development of cancer.

Green tea to prevent cavities and keep all teeth in top shape

Green tea helps reduce bacteria and reduces the acidity of dental plaque and saliva , which makes it an excellent additive to prevent cavities. Drinking it has been proven time and time again to help prevent tooth decay. Another recent research has shown that rinsing the mouth with green tea reduces the acid and bacteria in the mouth while minimizing bleeding from the gums .

Logically, a substance that prevents cavities and gum disease helps keep teeth healthy for as long as possible.

Green tea to fight bad breath

Green tea is also known to provide better breath. It contains principles that directly attack the microbes that cause halitosis . It would even be more effective than parsley seed oil , chewing gum and even mint for fresh breath.

Practical tips for green tea

Do you like green tea and want to integrate it into your daily diet? Be aware that you can take up to five cups a day . However, to optimize its effects on your health, a good preparation of the drink is essential. To start, take a teapot in which you will heat water. Bring it to a boil then let cool for three minutes. Then pour the water over the tea bag or leaves and leave to infuse covered for three minutes or more.

If you are not used to drinking tea yet, you can always opt for oral care products containing green tea, such as mouthwashes or toothpaste. You can also choose chewing gum or candies made from green tea. But nothing beats natural green tea .